4 Ways To Sound More Confident And Trustworthy

Create impact just by changing your voice!

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Are you ready to show up fully while embodying presence, emotional intelligence, sophistication, and inclusion when you speak?

Whether you’re a CEO, startup, or someone who is interested in one-on-one training, you are the voice of your brand and your company — make a difference and speak what matters!

Discover four ways to sound more confident and trustworthy in today’s post.

Woman smiling and standing confidently.

Support Your Voice With Your Body

When you look confident and trustworthy, you have a much better chance of exuding this to the people you’re speaking to! Focus on supporting your voice with your body by standing tall, lifting your chest, widening your ribs, and lengthening your neck.

This ushers clarity and control in your voice.

Two guys smiling and hanging out.


A smile goes a long way, especially when it comes to first impressions. Become more trustworthy when you meet people by smiling — it will make a lasting impression and begin to build confidence.

A guy speaking in front of a group of people.

Perfecting The Sound of Your Voice

Does hearing the sound of your own voice make you uncomfortable? Speak more with people and do it often! Perfecting the sound of your voice takes practice, and even reading out loud can help.

What are other tangible ways to perfect the sound of your voice?

  • Slow down your speech
  • Concentrate on your pitch
  • Identify and eliminate filler words
  • Imagine speaking from your upper lip and face, not your throat
Person in a business suit adjusting their tie.

Choose The Right Clothing

Depending on what kind of speaking you’ll be doing, just like your smile, clothing impacts the first impression you present. It’s important to dress appropriately for the occasion — formal, semi-casual, business, etc. — and to also be wearing something that you’re comfortable in.

When you’re comfortable and not worrying about your clothing, you automatically become more confident!

From standing up tall and smiling to perfecting your voice and choosing the right clothing, there are a number of ways you can sound more confident and instill trust amongst the crowd.

Ready to sound your best? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Miluna Fausch today!

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