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Create impact just by changing your voice!

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Man talking in front of group

Your voice and your presence matter — it’s time to show up and speak in a manner that reflects who you are! Pitch Perfect Executive speaking, headed by Dr. Miluna Fausch, is here to deliver the results you’re after by elevating your speaking and communication skills for CEO and founders, entrepreneurs, and startups.

Build your influential voice that makes an impact with Pitch Perfect Executive Speaking today!


A few years back, I was at a professional meeting sponsored by a highly successful businesswoman. The room was very large and packed and she stepped up to the microphone to welcome us to the meeting. I know for a fact that she speaks in public frequently, so we can’t chalk this up to inexperience.

She began speaking in a somewhat quiet and high pitched Voice far away from the microphone, attempting to talk over the loud and noisy room. People kept talking and talking, finally stopping as she neared the end of her opening announcements. Hum. Ineffective. Unprofessional. I had trouble hearing her words, and since it was my first time at this meeting, I wanted to be sure I was following proper protocol!

Here are three tips to make sure this is not happening to you in your...


I received this email and was so touched that I had to share it with all of you!

“Dear Dr. Miluna,

I thoroughly enjoyed your participation on Shelley’s radio show. Your voice is so relaxing and encouraging. Your content was fascinating. I particularly liked learning about the physiology of the larynx.

I have an interesting story that I would like to share with you. It supported your points that were made on the first interview with Shelley. I was hired as a 911 dispatcher. It involved extensive testing in which we had eight tests over a three-month period. Out of more than 500 applicants, six of us were selected. Out of six who were selected, five of us passed the remainder tests. During the last two weeks of training, the training supervisor took me...


There are words that I hear that cause me to inwardly and sometimes outwardly, sigh. In fact, because of the sensitivity of my hearing, they can cause me literal pain. Here comes a phrase that I do not need to hear again or not hear in this particular way. Ready to know what it is? “Thank you for having me.” What? Having me over for dinner? Having me stand here looking nervous before I speak? Our language and the changes in our language over the years, is a fascinating (possibly that is an overused word right there) research topic. Let us find and actually use or create some new words.

It’s the same when I hear “gone missing” on forensic television. You are either gone or you are missing you have not gone missing. Who joined this annoying and trivializing pair of words...


In my world of it’s in the way you present yourself, let’s talk about your choice of words, in other words (pun very much intended), your language.

Are the words you are choosing those of lack or those of wealth? Are you uttering those of increasing sales and opportunity or alienating the customer or client?

Let me give you an example. Typically when you enter a restaurant solo the host says, just one? As if you are incomplete or couldn’t get a date. At Max’s Opera Café they will give you something free if you are greeted in that way by the host. Train your greeters to say party of one? I am capable of having a party all by myself, thank you.

Here is another example. Don’t ask if we want to see the dessert menu because most people of...


I have been asked by several people-what is the best way to approach someone else about their Voice? Our Voice is personal, close to us; yes it is a huge part of our identity! Somehow, there is a belief that the voice cannot be or does not need to be trained. Someone who had a bad experience with a voice coach back in 1746 must have started that rumor. If you know someone who is at the top of their game in every other area of life, but their Voice is/may be/could be holding them back from greatness…here are some ways to proceed with candor and sensitivity.

Here are three tips that could help you start a conversation:

1. Tell them a story about someone else’s success (you may use these true stories from my client files).

I read about a trial lawyer who built her...
